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Super Construction Junction with Ms. Julianna and Mrs. Zinda (Kindergarten)
Meet Miss Julianna and Ms. Zinda at UpCycle Creative Reuse Center to explore their unique collection of reusable items and build your own creations! Possible materials include fabric, paper, boards, wood bits, office supplies, trophies, maps, artist supplies, and more! Just like during construction junction in the class, the kids will be able to choose their own materials and create in their own way. Teachers will provide a small picnic snack and a really fun time!
Value: Priceless
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Cookies, Lemonade, and Books with Mrs. Cummins (Leopards)
Spend an hour with Mrs. Cummins of the Leopards reading some of her favorite books together. Along with the books, the children will enjoy homemade cookies and lemonade. Weather permitting, this will be outside. At the end of the hour, every child can take home a book to keep.
Value: Priceless
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